Monday, August 5, 2013

RENAISSANCE Wax, The Micro-crystalline Wax Polish

 Renaissance Wax, Paste so good, you'll wish it was spreadable on toast

I'm new to Renaissance Wax (Ren Wax) I discovered it while browsing the gun forums and after reading that several well known and respected authorities recommended it I had to try this "miracle wax". I ordered a 200 ml can off of Ebay and waited...

Well it has arrived, and I can say that after my initial skepticism, I am a true believer now! It is a preservative, lubricant, and protector, I read that it's used by the Smithsonian and it's safe for metal, wood, leather and plastic. You apply it just like you would a good shoe polish. You wipe a tiny bit onto a clean cloth and gently rub it into the surface to be protected, then wipe off the excess and buff to a shine. 

It works like a charm, I used it on my blued Colt Python and I was amazed at the results. Previously I had only used Hoppes Oil for all my firearms, and while the oil does a good job, it doesn't photograph well and it's prone to fingerprints. The Ren Wax buffs out to a really nice shine and it doesn't show fingerprints. I like to apply it sparingly because it seems to build up in the hard to reach corners if you use too much. 

Another feature that I really like about this wax is the ease in which it can be removed, a little drop of clean oil and you can wipe it away with no residue. I put a full coat of Ren Wax on my Python and it gave it a strong clear coat that resists fingerprints. After the range visit, I applied a drop or two of oil and was able to wipe the entire gun clean in a matter of minutes.  

This is one of the products that does what it claims, and I'm quite impressed with its results. I've tried almost every firearm lubricant and coating and this is the only one that isn't a mess on my hands during a hot day on the range and functions just as well in the photo booth. When I apply Ren Wax I don't need to go back a day or two later and wipe traces of excess lubricant out of the seams of my gun. 

If you own a classic firearm, you need to try this wax at least once, I wish someone had shown this to me when I first started collecting, if I could spread this wax on my toast at breakfast...

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